Danny's Dad, is...well, the father of Danny Robinson. He is a character in Lee Saunderson's Danny Gets Grounded series on Go!Animate, always grounding Danny for various reasons. He makes various non-playable cameo appearances in Lee's original losing pose prior to his update patch, back when Lee was essentially just Danny but with his name slapped on. He also appears in the intro to Papa Louie's moveset, and the ending to Lee's Classic Safari mode.
Role in Story Mode[]
Danny's Dad also appears after Lee's fight against Sonny Slaven in Story Mode, where he scolds Lee for using violence in the house, and proceeds to ground him, but Lee finally explodes in anger, yelling at his dad for all the times he grounded him, and proceeds to burn down and destroy The Grounded Rooms, which turns both Sonny and Danny's Dad into trophies. Sonny was taken away by The Stretch Squad, but Danny's dad was unable to be captured.
- He used to speak in Simon's voice but as of Go!Animate City, he had to speak in Diesel's voice due to Go!Animate removing his vocal cords.