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The White House is the fourth level in Story Mode.


The level starts with Pete the Cheerful Bus Driver driving down the road. Along the way, he sees a White House on a stinky looking island. Inside said White House, we see President Harry Bradshaw fall from the sky in his oval office. He swipes a telescope from one of his Old Toys, and watches Pete driving by. He then fantasises about drunk driving in Pete's bus, and comes up with an idea. He then teleports away to Pete's location.

Harry then winds up at Hilary's House, but becomes annoyed as he can't find Pete. He walks away before the ground starts to shake and Pete arrives to rescue Hilary. Harry meanwhile then suffers stomach pains after apparently eating some Brussels Sprouts beforehand. He is then loomed over by a large shadow, belonging to Finlay Fish, who attacks Harry and sends him back to the White House.

Finlay enters Harry's press room to confront Harry, who sniffs at him, triggering Finlay into fighting him. They fight, and Harry manages to win, turning Finlay into a delicious giant box of fish and chips. Shortly after, Harry Hill unexpectedly arrives to admire the tasty chips, and Harry B demands to know who he is.

Harry H introduces himself to Harry B, and then both Harry's get into an argument over who the true Harry is. Outside, Otto Hill is seen trespassing outside the White House, causing an Old Toy to threaten him at gunpoint. Otto then orders his henchman Ed to prepare Harry H's pet hamster Abu, as he fires at him using the Goosy Grow 2000. This gets the attention of the two Harry's, causing them to stop arguing, as they see Abu, now in his gigantic kaiju form dubbed Abuzilla.

Harry H uses a bubble to send himself and Harry B to the White House's rooftop, and they engage Abuzilla in a fight to stop his rampage, while Otto and Ed most likely escape the scene. The Harry's defeat Abuzilla, restoring him to normal. After this, the two Harry's befriend one another, and they leave together in Harry B's limo. After they leave, Abu follows after them.


Playable Characters[]


Non-Playable Characters[]



White House (All Star Smashers Story Mode)


  • The events of this level take place around the same time as Hilary's House, as Pete was seen in the opening cutscene, and later on rescuing Hilary.